Evidence library

This section of the site contains evidence already led by Inquiry counsel in public hearing sessions. Please note, this means evidence will be added over time, during the course of the hearings.

Evidence - documents, audio and video - led in a public session will be added the following day.

To make searching easier you can filter by evidence type, witness type and witness name. The search function will highlight all evidence related to your search term. Click on a tile below to view the file/s.

If no hearing date is shown for a piece of evidence it means the witness gave a statement to the Inquiry but was not called to appear in person. 

For a list view of all evidence click here.

WIT-00109 - College of Policing video: 60 Seconds to Save a Life

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Deborah Coles,

SBPI-00646 - Professor Nasar Meer expert witness report (updated version of SBPI-00597)

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Nasar Meer,

WIT-00108 - IOPC report on Sean Rigg's death September 2023

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Marcia Rigg,

SBPI-00630 - Marcia Rigg statement 22/05/2024

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Marcia Rigg,

WIT-00111 - Police Scotland presentation on leading critical incidents June 2015

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Steve Allen,

SBPI-00531 - Steve Allen statement 29/01/2024

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Steve Allen,

PS-18903 - Presentation on attitudes towards and perceptions of institutional discrimination in Police Scotland

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Iain Livingstone,

SBPI-00484 - HMICS Thematic Inspection of Organisational Culture in Police Scotland December 2023

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Iain Livingstone,

SBPI-00643 - Police Scotland first interim report on equality, diversity, inclusion and human rights May 2023

Hearing date:
Witness name:
Iain Livingstone,