Evidence library

This section of the site contains evidence already led by Inquiry counsel in public hearing sessions. Please note, this means evidence will be added over time, during the course of the hearings.

Evidence - documents, audio and video - led in a public session will be added the following day.

To make searching easier you can filter by evidence type, witness type and witness name. The search function will highlight all evidence related to your search term. Click on a tile below to view the file/s.

If no hearing date is shown for a piece of evidence it means the witness gave a statement to the Inquiry but was not called to appear in person. 

For a list view of all evidence click here.

SBPI-00539 - Olaseni Lewis death: record of inquest and narrative conclusion south London coroner's court 13/09/2010

SBPI-00487 - Police Stop and Search Among Young People in Scotland - Scottish Executive, 2001

SBPI-00540 - Olaseni Lewis - coroner's correspondence with the Secretary of State for Justice June 2017 to February 2018

SBPI-00483 - Consensus on acute behavioural disturbance in the UK - report on study findings by CABUK study group September 2023

SBPI-00561 - Mouayed Bashir press release IOPC 02/02/2024

SBPI-00480 - Stephen Lawrence Inquiry report by Sir William Macpherson February 1999

SBPI-00403 - Metropolitan Police restraint and mental health report September 2004

COPFS-02526(a) - Report of the independent external review of the IPCC investigation into the death of Sean Rigg

PS-18902 - Operation Waymark executive report 28/06/2011